8 Mind Blowing Facts About Computer Programming
Below are 8 interesting facts about Computer Programming.
The first programmer was Ada Lovelace (a British woman). She was a mathematician. She worked on the analytical engine back in the 1,800’s. She died at the young age of 36.
The first computer virus was created in 1983 by Fred Cohen. It wasn't created to cause harm but to prove that it was possible.
The first digital computer game was created in 1961 by a programmer (Steve Russell) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The name of the game: Spacewar.
There are over 700 different computer programming languages. Infact, if computer programming were a country, it would be the third most diverse for languages spoken.
FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslator) is the first programming language, and it was created in the ’50s.
In the near future knowing how to code will be as necessary as knowing how to write is today. Yes, regardless of the field or career your students decide for their future.
It took less code to send a man to space than to run a smartphone.
HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. It isn't actually a programming language as so many people are quick to believe, especially young programmers. It is a Mark-up Language designed to help people format their text documents so they can be presented to readers in a cleaner way.
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